How to Handle an Aggressive Dog Encounter?

Have you ever been walking down the street and found yourself faced with an aggressive dog?

It can be a scary and stressful experience, but it’s important to know what to do in these situations to keep yourself safe.

Ensuring your safety while walking or spending time outdoors is crucial, and encountering an aggressive dog can be a frightening experience.

That’s why I want to share with you some essential tips on what to do if an aggressive pup approaches you.

By being aware of your surroundings, understanding dog behavior, and taking the necessary steps to protect yourself, you can navigate a potentially dangerous encounter with confidence.

Don’t Panic: Stay Calm and Confident!

When facing an aggressive dog, it’s natural to feel a rush of fear and adrenaline. However, it’s important to resist the urge to panic and react impulsively.

Yelling, flailing your arms, or attempting to flee can actually escalate the situation and trigger the dog’s aggressive instincts.

Firstly, the dogs can sense fear and anxiety, so it’s essential to remain composed and confident.

Try to maintain a neutral stance, with your arms at your sides.

Avoiding Eye Contact with Aggressive Dogs

Looking directly into their eyes can be seen as a challenge and could further aggravate the situation.

Instead, try to keep your gaze on their body or the ground.

This may help to calm the dog down and reduce the likelihood of them attacking.

You want to convey to the aggressive canine that you’re not a threat, and avoiding eye contact is one way to do this.

Retreat! But in Slow Motion

Picture the scenario: you’re out for a leisurely stroll, enjoying the sunshine and fresh air when suddenly an aggressive dog appears out of nowhere.

Your heart races, your palms sweat, and all you want to do is get as far away from that menacing creature as possible.

But wait!

Before you turn and run, take a deep breath and remember: retreat, but in slow motion.

This may seem counterintuitive, but it’s the best course of action when dealing with a hostile canine.

Of course, this is a risky move because there is a high probability that the dog will attack you.

That’s why it’s crucial to have some bait in your hand, such as keys or a cell phone (folders, candies, and the like), to distract the dog’s attention.

Then, keeping your eyes on the canine, start walking backward slowly, creating distance between you and the dog.

It’s vital to keep your cool and not panic, as sudden movements can trigger the dog’s predatory instincts.

Slow and steady wins the race, and in this case, it may just save your skin.

Using Your Voice as a Weapon!

With a loud and firm tone, tell the dog “no” or “go home” to show it that you are not intimidated.

This simple act can help establish your dominance and assert your position as the alpha.

However, it’s important to remember that this technique doesn’t always work with all canines!

Some dogs may not respond to verbal commands, especially when they are highly agitated.

In those cases, it’s best to use other techniques to protect yourself.

Make Your Escape Plan Foolproof with a Deterrent!

Carrying a deterrent spray or device can give you a sense of security when dealing with a potentially aggressive canine.

Some possible options include pepper spray or an air horn.

These items should only be used as a last resort when you feel that your safety is at risk!

Using the deterrent is not about hurting the dog, it’s about protecting yourself from harm.

I hope you never have to use it, but having a deterrent on hand can provide some much-needed peace of mind.

Stay Grounded to Stay Safe

In the unfortunate event that a dog knocks you down, it’s crucial to protect yourself by immediately covering your head and neck with your hands and arms.

Lie flat on your stomach or curl up into a ball with your knees tucked into your chest.

This will help prevent serious injuries, such as bites to your face or neck, which can be life-threatening.

Wait until an “enemy” loses interest or until someone comes to help you.

Seek medical attention immediately after the incident to ensure proper treatment and reduce the risk of infection.

Bonus Tip – Preventative Measures!

These solutions can help you handle an encounter with an aggressive dog, but there are a few more things to keep in mind. Here are some additional tips:

  • Be aware of your surroundings: When walking or jogging, pay attention to your surroundings and avoid areas where aggressive dogs are known to be present.
  • Don’t approach unfamiliar dogs: If you see the canine you don’t know, avoid approaching it. Even friendly furry friends can become aggressive if they feel threatened.
  • Don’t disturb pets that are eating or sleeping: Dogs can be protective of their food and sleep, so it’s best to avoid disturbing them in these situations.
  • Understand body language: They communicate through body language, so it’s important to understand their signals. Signs of aggression include raised fur, bared teeth, and growling.
  • Teach children about dog safety: It’s crucial to educate kids about canine safety to minimize the risk of dog bites. Help children understand that they should never approach strange pooches and always ask for permission before petting one. By doing so, they’ll learn to identify and avoid potentially dangerous situations involving furry friends.
  • Report aggressive dogs: If you come across a hostile canine, immediately inform animal control or local authorities to report the incident. Doing so will not only help prevent future attacks but also safeguard others in the vicinity.

My Experience with an Aggressive Dog

During my summer part-time job of reading electric meters in the villages around Paracin, I had to visit around 1000 households in just a few days.

One day, I approached a large courtyard with agricultural machinery and a nice house, but I soon realized that no one was home.

As I walked towards the front door, a dog that had been hiding under a trailer suddenly rushed towards me.

I was trapped and had nowhere to run! Despite recognizing the breed (a young dog), I knew an attack was inevitable.

Going backwards towards the nearest part of the fence and jumping into the other yard was a smart move.

Using the folders as a deterrent and trying to command the dog to go back to its place were also good ideas.

I managed to implement my plan, but unfortunately, the dog still managed to scratch me on my right leg.

Prior to the dog’s attack, I remained composed and avoided making any sudden movements.


Barks, growls, raised hair, and aggressive posturing – these are all signs of a potentially dangerous dog!

Unfortunately, encountering an aggressive dog is not uncommon, and it can happen when we least expect it.

Understanding how to handle an aggressive canine can make all the difference in preventing a potential attack.

I know how it feels to be attacked by a dog because I’ve experienced it, and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.

Always prioritize your safety and take precautions when interacting with unfamiliar dogs.


My name is Alen Stefanovic, and I am the founder and administrator of the website "Awesome Sarplaninac". As an economist-trade manager, and web designer, I have a passion for the Sarplaninac breed (number 1 dogs for me). My father has been breeding these dogs since 1990, and through the website, I aim to share valuable information about nutrition, care, and training for both puppies and adult dogs. Whether you're a new or experienced owner, you'll find plenty of helpful tips and resources on the site. Welcome to "Sarplaninac FCI 4302", and I wish you a pleasant stay.

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